Baumgartners mark International Women’s Day 2023

Baumgartners go all out with IWD 2023 events

The Baumgartners IWD Committee went all out this week with two special team events to mark International Women's Day.

We first enjoyed a team lunch and panel interview hosted by David Burrows who talked with Lauren Sew Hoy, Bridget PallinSajee Madarasinghe and Sarah Scales about their personal experiences. Bridget also shared the new government benefits available to families balancing work with raising young children.  

We then topped off IWD with a very special evening at the Postmasters Hotel in Kew, joined by Robyn Jacobson (The Tax Institute), Kristina Dalgleish (Health & Wellbeing Programs Mental Health), Sajee Madarasinghe (Baumgartner Super) and Liz Williams (Hemideina) who talked about work-life balance, breaking down barriers, female leadership and being strong and fulfilled role models.

Every journey was unique with each message aligned and powerful, and we were very fortunate to learn from very honest life stories. 

This year we partnered again with #SharetheDignity and were blown away by the generosity of contributions, both in products and online cash donations. Our Baumgartners Partners generously matched the cash donations so that we doubled our target for the year!

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